Please take thirty seconds and vote for Restore – it’s free!

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Click here to vote (Entry 18)

Mental ill-health affects at least one in four of us each year, and it is more important than ever that we support people with mental ill-health following on from the COVID 19 pandemic. Working towards a time when adults with mental ill-health are fully empowered to live meaningful lives. 

Want to help us spread our message across the streets of Oxford? 

Brand the Bus would be a superb opportunity not only to enhance and raise awareness of the services we offer at Restore but it would also help us to reduce the stigma associated with mental ill-health and raise vital funds to reduce our long waiting list. Together, we can help more adults with mental ill-health by voting for Restore to Brand the Oxford Bus!

Click here to watch our video and understand how branding a bus would help us reach more people:

Please share and send the link to your friends, family and colleagues and help us spread the word.

Thank you so much for your support!