Amy’s Restore journey

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Restore can be a support to many. From individuals working through their own mental health recovery. To friends, family and community members seeking to better understand mental health.

Amy, has been a member of Restore’s Elder Stubbs recovery group, and more recently a student of Oxfordshire Recovery College, and offered to share her experiences.

“I found the Oxfordshire Recovery College through Elder Stubbs, in East Oxford. I had been at Elder Stubbs after my time at the Warneford Hospital and they helped me go from being shy and quiet, to helping others and communicating again.”

“At Oxfordshire Recovery College I started off with the occasional course, then more courses which I found enlightening. I have improved my confidence and now feel confident enough to apply to become a tutor.”

“I think the impact of Oxfordshire Recovery College’s work is good for all who attend, it benefits both students and tutors alike.”

Oxfordshire Recovery College
Oxfordshire Recovery College

About ORC

Oxfordshire Recovery College offers courses that are co-created and co-delivered by experts through training and experts through lived experience. The college offers a safe environment for peer learning. 

Sharing personal experiences takes bravery and helps others to understand different journeys to better mental health, and how Restore can help. Thank you to Amy for her words.