Five top tips for self care

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Everyone has mental health, and it’s important to take care of it.

Mental Health Awareness Week offers an opportunity to remember that, like physical health, mental health is important and can be looked after. To think of one’s mind like a garden can be helpful. Watering it regularly with positive thoughts and helpful habits can help it flourish. 

Five top tips for self care: 

1. Be kind to yourself

Kindness is key, but make sure to show yourself the same kindness. It’s normal to make mistake or not want to show up on a particular day.

2. Seek support

Reaching out for help can feel uncomfortable but it is always a good idea to talk. Maybe they know someone who can help?

3. Practice mindfulness 

The mind is an extremely powerful tool and wellbeing rests on the quality of thoughts that feed it.  

4. Journal thoughts

Laying out some thoughts on paper is one of the best ways to figure out the complexities of the mind. 

5. Befriend nature

It feels good to get in touch with nature and appreciate its existence. This could be a stroll in green space or a local park.

When it comes to mental health, self care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy to support yourself as well as your loved ones.