Join Restore: ask MPs to make change happen

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It is unacceptable that so many people suffer with mental ill health without more support, sometimes with devastating impact. 

Campaign to Ask MPs

Join the petition to ask local MPs to make a difference by supporting:

1. Shorter waiting times for mental health support.
2. Mandatory ‘mental health first aid’ for leaders and managers at work. (And then everyone.)
3. More NHS funding for mental health services.

About the campaign.

1 in 4 people will experience mental ill health in their lifetime, every one of us will know someone who is affected.

Yet, mental health only receives 13.8% of NHS funding. More can be done to support people in need.

People seeking support can wait up to 18 weeks, we believe this should be 4 weeks maximum.

72 million work days are lost each year due to mental ill health, costing UK employers £42 -£45 billion a year and representing 40% of work absence. We believe that mental health training can make a positive difference.

Restore will gather names and share with MPs in Oxfordshire. Add your name >>>